19 September 2019
This afternoon we held our annual St Joseph's Got Talent Show.
Two of our Year 3 children who performed a Magic Show were our overall winners.
19 September 2019
Our 2019 NAPLAN results arrived this week with children's results being sent home to parents and carers on Wednesday September 18. Our NAPLAN results continue to reinforce the strength of our Targeted Teaching Literacy and Numeracy programs across the school. 100% of our Year 3 and 5 children participated in the testing with 100% of Year 3 and 5 children achieving the National Minimal Standard for Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy. 17 of 18 Year 3s achieved the National Minimal Stan...
17 September 2019
Catholic Charities supports Catholic welfare agencies within the Archdiocese of Adelaide. Their primary role is to raise money by way of donations in order to partly fund the works of these charitable agencies as they help make the daily lives better for disadvantaged people within our community. While the agencies are Catholic welfare agencies, they provide critical care for all people in need. As part of a fundraiser we invite all children to wear casual clothes on the final day of school a...
13 September 2019
On Friday September 13 we celebrated the Mid Autumn Festival, acknowledging and celebrating our multicultural school community in the process.