21 January 2020
Our Parent Information Evening will be held on Monday February 10 at 5.30pm beginning with Pre-School and Reception/Year 1 in individual classrooms. At 6.15pm, in Tenison Woods Hall, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place and reports will be presented. Following the AGM, at 6.45pm, Years 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6 will share information in their classrooms.
29 November 2019
Upcoming Events
I would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming events:
Term 4 Concludes 12:30pm Friday December 13.
Term 1 Commences 8:45am Tuesday January 28.
17 October 2019
Due to demand from within the school community we have decided to trial an extension to our OSHC opening hours each morning. Throughout Term 4 OSHC will open between 6:30am and 8:30am each morning before school to accommodate families who start work early. If we find as a school community that the need remains we will continue to open the service earlier on a permanent basis.
17 October 2019
This term we will once again hold our Family Fun Night. The event will take place in the school grounds on Friday December 6 commencing at 5:30pm. Members of our Parents and Friends will work alongside APRIM Simon McCullough to plan for and prepare the evening. Further details about the event will be distributed to families closer to the time. I encourage you to put this date into your diaries.
14 October 2019
Friday November 15 will be a Pupil Free Day. On this day all staff will be involved in Professional Learning focusing on developing a Shared Vision for Learning reflective of the Living Learning Leading Framework which was launched by Catholic Education SA in January this year. In addition staff will develop an Action Plan around Ecological Conversion in line with our sustainability focus across the school. What is developed on this day will become a key driver of teaching and learning across...