We care greatly about the well-being of all of our students at St Joseph's.
For our caring staff, student well-being goes beyond the classroom. We acknowledge that parents are the first educators of their children and we form a key partnership with your family to ensure your children are supported in the classroom, in the playground and at home.
In Term 2, 2020 staff reviewed and updated our Student Wellbeing and Personal Responsibility School Policy to reflect our value of being in relationship with each other and our focus on Restorative Practices.
Below is the Philosophical Basis which underpins our updated policy:
We believe that all human beings have an inherent desire to be in relationship and it is in this that we become fully human. Our students are competent, capable and creative beings who have the capacity to be safe, happy and successful in their relationships with others and in their learning. As a community we have a responsibility to provide the educative and supportive framework to maximise their learning in student wellbeing. Through Gospel values, pastoral care and the implementation of restorative practices students will gain a sense of respect for individual dignity, inclusivity, community and citizenship for all. Student wellbeing has at its core the health, safety, security and welfare of all students.
We are committed to a restorative culture grounded in our vision, and core values of justice, compassion, integrity, perseverance and responsibility. This culture offers a transformative view of the human person. It focuses on the behaviour and its impact rather than on the person and is importantly a non-punitive approach to student wellbeing that moves away from notions of reward and punishment. Grounded in experiences of relationships and community, the Program Achieve Keys to Success along with our understanding of the impact of trauma on the developing brain, students learn to understand their own behaviour and its impact on others.