In All Things Love


We welcome your enquiry or application for a place at St Joseph's Ottoway.

Term 3 Reception Intake

St. Joseph's School will have a Reception intake at the start of Term 3 this year. Our Term 3 new Receptions will join our current R/1 classes.

A reminder that the criteria for starting Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that a child will have turned 5 between May 1 and October 31 in that year.

The criteria for starting Reception on the first day of school in Term 1 continues to be that a child will have turned 5 on or before April 30 in that year.

Children whose birthday falls between November 1 and December 31 are not eligible to commence school before the following year.

If you would like to register your interest for a place in the school, please fill out our online form and a member of our staff will be in touch with you.

Alternatively, you can download our application form and return it filled out to our School Office.  The form contains our enrolment checklist, details on any support your child needs and a list of all the documentation you need.

Enrolment for Preschool

We are currently taking enrolments for this year's Term 3 Preschool intake (see Preschool link for further details). Our Preschool requires a separate enrolment to the school.

The form below also included a Preschool enrolment checklist, along with applicable documentation list and a space for you to outline any special needs and considerations for your child.

Please note:  Acceptance for Preschool enrolment does NOT guarantee a place in the school Reception class.  If you wish your child to proceed to Reception please complete a separate school 'Application for Enrolment' form.



Book a tour

The best way to see how our school could suit your family is to come along and talk to us.