In All Things Love

School Events

I would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming events:

Whole School Assemblies Friday Weeks 1, 5 and 10

Another of our community activities at St Joseph's is our school assemblies. Whole School assemblies will take place in weeks 1, 5 and 10 of each term on Friday at 8:45am. Parents are warmly invited to attend assemblies where we celebrate learning and working together.


Mass invitation

You are invited to join us at Mass in the Church on Thursday 24 June at 10am. Please use the sign in at the door of the Church. 

Casual Clothes Mission Fundraiser

Friday 2 July is the last day of Term 2. Your child is invited to wear casual clothes to school and to make a gold coin donation to the charites we support. These charities are; Caritas, Catholic Missions, Catholic Charities, Vinnies and The Hutt Street Centre. Thanks for your great support.

Book a tour

The best way to see how our school could suit your family is to come along and talk to us.