In All Things Love

Change to school rear access Term 2 Weeks 1-3
7 April 2021
Hello to all St Joseph's School families, Just to let you know that work to totally replace the school rear basketball court will commence during the upcoming school holidays. This work will be the final stage of our current building project.
This work will impact on access to the rear of the school during the first 2 or 3 weeks of Term 2.
During this time before and after school access to the rear of the school (Rosewater Terrace) will be via the double gates adjacent to the church h...
Narrative Sharing Day
7 April 2021
As part of our Literacy Blocks today children from across the school gathered in small groups to share their Term 1 Narrative Writing achievements with each other. Our younger children really enjoyed learning from the older children. In return our older children really enjoyed spending time with our younger children. 
Narrative Sharing Day Photo Two
7 April 2021
Another photo of children engaged in our Narrative Writing sharing day.
SRC tour of our Nature Play building project
30 March 2021
Recently our Student Sustainability Representative Council took a tour of our current building project site: the resurfacing of our hard play spaces along with the development of our nature play and sustainaibility garden space. 
Nature Play Space
30 March 2021
Our Nature Play Space is due to be completed by the middle of May 2021. 
Book a tour

The best way to see how our school could suit your family is to come along and talk to us.