Term 2 School Finish
Term 2 School Finishes on Friday 5th July at 12:30pm.
Term 3 School Starts on Monday 22nd July at 8:45am.
Have a safe and happy holiday with family and friends.
Term 3 Preschool Intake
School Disco Friday June 28
Pupil Free Day Friday June 7
Friday June 7 will be a Pupil Free Day. On this day all staff will be involved in Professional Learning focusing on Laudato Si; the Catholic church document which outlines Pope Francis' call for us all to care for the environment. Father Rodderick O'Brien who is currently the parish priest in the Lefevre Peninsula Parish will facilitate our day. Father Rodderick is an experienced spiritual leader having lead retreats for Australian Priests and Bishops.
Posted in:St Joseph's School Ottoway |
Upcoming Parent Workshops with Mark LeMessurier
We have engaged the wonderful expertise of Mark LeMessurier to facilitate both Parent Workshops this year. The first workshop, "A Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum; How does that feel for Parents, What does it Mean, What Next?" will be held on Wednesday August 7 at 6:00pm in the School Hall. There is no cost to families.
The second workshop, "Real Ideas to Tame Ugly Behaviours" will be held on Wednesday September 18 at 6:00pm in the School Hall. Once again there is no cost to families.
Having worked with Mark LeMessurier in the past, I know Mark is engaging and entertaining in his presentations. He is realistic and understands the Autism Spectrum deeply. I encourage you to place both of these dates in your diaries.
Posted in:St Joseph's School Ottoway |