Catholic Education Week Pop Up Prayer Space
Community Outreach message from our APRIM
Hi All,
We have made a commitment to help the Hutt St Centre and Vinnies with the food services they provide. Shaun (St Joseph's School Principal) invited Rebecca (St Joseph's Canteen Manager) to take a lead role in this and she very kindly agreed. Today Rebecca made a pasta sauce (for 50) and 50 banana and vanilla muffins. These will be delivered tonight and tomorrow. Peter is the head of the kitchen at Hutt St and he said food such as the muffins are put on a table each day and those that come for a meal are invited to take some of these away with them after their meal. Peter said this is a very generous offer that will be received very enthusiastically. Teresa from Vinnies is in charge of the Monday to Friday Fred's Van and recently they have also started serving meals in Gawler Place on Saturday nights. She is delighted that we can offer this kind of help. Vinnies recently took this service over from another charity which due to Covid19, can't continue. We will continue to support Hutt St with our usual "Walk a Mile in My Boots" fundraiser and the school has a terrific connection with local and central Vinnies operations. This is some information Teresa (St Vincent De Paul Fred's Kitchen Coordinator) provided in a recent email:
Our city van service facility is based in the suburb of Hawthorn. We head into the city in our van to serve on the street, those who may be sleeping rough and other people who require such a meal from a van on the street. We currently serve 5 nights a week but during this Covid crisis have picked up another night on a Saturday to account for another charity having to close their doors to an evening meal on a Saturday.
Our menu consists of:
- A takeaway pack of a hot meal e.g. pasta with meat sauce, pasta bake, savoury mince and rice
- A sandwich
- Piece of fruit
- Cake/something sweet
- A drink
If Rebecca (St Joseph's Canteen Manager) would be keen to make us a pot of pasta sauce, or a pasta dish or one pot dish that we can reheat on Saturday afternoon to serve in the evening, that would be great. We would rather not soup as that is difficult to transport and give out in takeaway containers, we would rather a dish that can be eaten with a fork; consider someone sleeping rough needing a hot meal before heading off to sleep somewhere.
Simon (St Joseph's School APRIM: Assistance Principal Religious Identity and Mission)
Parent Update Letter in Preparation for Term 2
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